Papmochani Ekadashi
Chaitra, Krishna Ekadashi This tale is narrated in the Bhavishya Uttara Purana in the form of dialogues between Lord Krishna and king Yudhishtira. There was a sage named Medhavi who […]
Chaitra, Krishna Ekadashi This tale is narrated in the Bhavishya Uttara Purana in the form of dialogues between Lord Krishna and king Yudhishtira. There was a sage named Medhavi who […]
Sunday Bhagavatam class
Sunday Bhagavatam class
Chaitra, Shukla Ekadashi The untold glories of Kamada Ekadasi are described in the Varaha Purana in a delightful conversation between Maharaj Yudhistira and Sri Krsna.The king asked: "My dear Lord, […]
Sunday Bhagavatam class
Sunday Bhagavatam class
Vaishakha, Krishna Ekadashi Varuthini Ekadasi most mercifully descends in the month of Vaisakha (April/May) and is described in details in a conversation between Sri Krsna and Yudhisthira Maharaj. Once upon […]