Pavitropana Ekadashi

Shravana, Shukla Ekadashi Shri Yudhisthira Maharaja said, “Oh Madhusudana, Oh killer of the Madhu demon, please be merciful to me and describe to me the Ekadashi that occurs during the […]

Annada Ekadashi

Bhadrapada, Krishna Ekadashi Sri Yudhisthira Maharaja said, “Oh JanArdana, protector of allliving entities, please tell me the name of the Ekadasi that occursduring the dark fortnight of the month of […]

Parsva Ekadashi

Bhadrapada, Shukla Ekadashi Parsva Ekadasi occurs in the month of Asvina when the Moon is waxing, and is also known as Vamana Ekadasi. In the Brahma-vaivarta Purana, Sri Krsna and […]

Indira Ekadashi

Ashwina, Krishna Ekadashi The delightful exultations of Indira Ekadasi are described in the Brahma-vaivarta Purana in the conversation between Sri Krsna and Maharaja Yudhisthira. Maharaja Yudhisthira enquired: "O Krsna! O […]

Pasankusa Ekadashi

Ashwina, Shukla Ekadashi Yudhishthira Maharaj said, Oh Madhusudana, what is the name of the Ekadashi that comes during the light fortnight of the month of Ashvina (September October)? Please be […]

Rama Ekadashi

Kartika, Krishna Ekadashi Yudhisthira Maharaj said, “O Janardana, O protector of all beings, what is the name of the Ekadashi that comes during the dark fortnight (Krishna paksha) of the […]

Utthana Ekadashi

Kartika, Shukla Ekadashi Lord Brahma said to Narada Muni, “Dear son, O best of the sages, I shall narrate to you the glories of Haribodhini Ekadasi, which eradicates all kinds […]

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